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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Big Thanks to the Visitors of this Blog

I would like to take the opportunity to THANKS all the visitors who has visited my blog time to time and made my Blog a BIG HIT.
It is clearly visible from the fact that 1000 visitor has visited my blog since it's inception's on Monday, February 16, 2009 when I posted my first Article on Guru Nanak Sahib Ji.
In a short period of 86 days,visit of 1,000 visitor is an encouraging thing.
But I request all of you to make my BLOG a SUPER HIT BLOG.
Till now I have received visitors from Singapore,Spain,U.K.,USA,besides India.A humble THANKS to all of them once again.
As our GURU taught us the message of UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD.Therefore,I invite all my brothers/sisters.....of 200+ countries of this UNIVERSE to visit my blog again & again and make it a SUPER HIT BLOG.

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