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Saturday, August 15, 2009

S.Banda Singh Bahadur (1670~1716 A.D.)

Salute to great Sikh Warrior Sardar Banda Singh Bahadur who gave all but not his beliefs

S.Banda Singh Bahadur was the First Sikh Ruler of Undivided Punjab (India)
A great warrior,true sikh,able administrator & a GREAT MARTYR. In a short span of EIGHT years has acheived many milestones.
Born in 1670 as Lachman Dass and later when he becomes BAIRAGI & was called Madho Das Bairagi, because of his detachment from family life.
He met GURU GOBIND SINGH Ji in 1708 when GURU Ji visited his Dera in Nanded (Maharastra,India).
Bairagi tried his many tricks and magic to impress the Guru, but failed. He soon realized that the visitor to his 'dera' was no ordinary person, but a great master. He fell to the feet of the Guru and felt solace in his mind. When the Guru asked him who he was, he answered, "Master, this is your Banda (slave)."
He gets the Baptism from Panj Pyara's in the presence of Guru Gobind Singh Ji (in 1708AD) and becomes "A SIKH" & thus called Sardar Banda Singh Bahadur.

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