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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kashmir becomes a part of the PUNJAB (1819)

In April 1819, the Sikh army marched towards Kashmir. 
On this occasion, Prince Kharak Singh held nominal command. Misr Diwan Chand led the vanguard, while S.Hari Singh Nalwa brought up the rear for the support of the leading troops. The third division, under the personal command of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, expedited supplies and conveyed these to the advance troops.
 On the morning of 5 July 1819, the Sikh columns advanced to the sound of bugles. A severe engagement took place between the two armies and the Sikhs captured Kashmir. 
Great rejoicing followed in the Sikh camp and the cities of Lahore and Amritsar were illuminated for three successive nights.Thus came to an end the five centuries of Muslim rule in Kashmir.

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